co-sleeping with your kids: a look at the pros and cons

We never thought we'd do it...and now here we are.  The 4 year old has gone from coming in in the middle of the night to full-on sleeping in our bed from start to finish.  I know a lot of other parents, especially of preschoolers, are dealing with this and asking themselves: is this okay, is this best for my child, our relationship, our sleep (or lack there of).  It still feels a little taboo to have your child sleep in your bed, even though in so many other countries and cultures, it's the norm (or at least much more accepted).  So here's what I've discovered and what some of the experts say:

Is fat (particularly saturated fat) good for us?

Is fat (particularly saturated fat) actually good for us?  The other day my friend asked me about butter and wanted my opinion on the best option out there.  I’ve been using more butter in the last few years and think it can be a healthy option if you choose the right butter and use it the right way.  But what is the right butter and what are the real pros and cons?

All these questions bring me to the bottom line issue that's receiving a lot of attention these days in the nutrition community and among those interested in these things: fat, particularly of the saturated variety.  When the fat free diet craze started in the 80s and continued into the 90s, many foods came onto the market that had little to no fat and people ate them as part of their "diet".  The catch is that the fat in these foods was replaced with carbohydrates (mostly refined, and sugar) and actually contained roughly the same amount of calories as the original product.  All of this was mostly in response to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans issued by the USDA in 1980 which stated that we should "Avoid too much fat, saturated fat and cholesterol".  

Healthy Snack Ideas: 2 minute honey avocado "butter"

My family loves guacamole but it can be a little time consuming to make or just too spicy for some kids.  Here's an idea for a sweeter avocado dip/spread that's incredibly simple, versatile and as my 18month old says "mmm mmm"!

Here's what you'll need:
1 ripe avocado
sea salt

Playroom Design: 5 things every great playroom needs

I'm a firm believer that children don't need an excessive amount of toys, but how you organize and display what they have can make a huge difference in how effectively, productively, and how long they play.  I spent a couple hours going through and organizing toys yesterday and I think it finally gave me the motivation to take on the playroom makeover I've been contemplating.  Kids learn by playing and when they have the tools, they expand their creativity, imagination and independence...and have plenty of good old fashioned fun!  In fact, just today my Baby Center email said that preschool age kids learn just as much, if not more, by playing as they do in structured classes.

I think playrooms work best with a variety of stimulation.  Here's my inspiration for the 5 things every playroom needs to promote productive play, fun play dates and happy moms!

1.  Energy expelling toys:
Obviously you have to do what you can with your space, but climbing walls, rings, ladders, swings and sports focused toys help kids get their energy out and build confidence.

Rock walls are a great idea and you really don't need that much space (pieces found here).  I'm also really liking the rings and basketball hoop on the door to save space!

10 tips for surviving and thriving in the 1st Trimester of Pregnancy

I'm excited to finally share that baby #3 is on the way!  We're thrilled, so so blessed and especially excited that the first trimester is over :).  With so many physical and emotional changes and demands in the first 13 weeks of pregnancy, I thought it would be nice to share some facts, anecdotes and ideas about how to achieve a healthy and balanced 1st trimester.

Here are my 10 professional and personal tips for making the most of early pregnancy:

Family Room Inspiration: Organic Modern

After living in our home for almost a year, I think I'm ready to start making some commitments to the interior design.  We renovated a home recently and did so relatively quickly, so it's felt okay (and been necessary) to wait and really consider the interiors.  While it would be amazing to design on an unlimited budget, I actually like the challenge of finding pieces that work together and are personally valuable without breaking the budget.  Here's my inspiration for our family room.  I'm really looking forward to starting the search for similar pieces.  Family Room Inspiration: Organic Modern

Have you ever used Polyvore to design a room or an outfit?  It's incredibly fun and really useful.  There were items that I thought I loved for the room that just didn't work together once I laid it all out.  With that being said, I still think it's important to have an open mind and keep your eyes open; "they" say every room should have something unexpected to make it really stand out.  Are you working on anything at home? I would love to see your room inspirations too!

The week in inspiration: Instagram Foodies

I recently started a Green & Plenty Instagram account  to help share my blog and inspirations and hopefully connect with some of my favorite Instagram health foodies.  I'm a little obsessed with Instagram lately and have found it to be a great, fresh inspiration for recipes (sorry old friend, Pinterest, I do still love you too).

Here are a few of my favorites to follow.  Check them out if you're on Instagram.  You may gain inspiration from their foods and philosophy too!  And if nothing else, you'll likely enjoy the pretty food photos!

Nutrition Stripped's Nourish Bowl

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